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放大字体   缩小字体 发布日期:2016-03-14   浏览次数:2843 状态:状态
展会日期 2013-09-03 至 2013-09-05
展出城市 Sevilla
展馆名称 BarcelóRenacimientoHotel
展会官网 http://euromat2013.fems.eu/welcome.html
主办单位 Prof.Dr.PalomaFernández<br/>


 "Dear colleagues, 

Held every two years since 1989, the Euromat conferences gather academics and researchers from the industry with a large scope on materials science and technology and their application. The extraordinary positive evolution of the conferences in the recent editions is indicative of the materials scientist community's excellent health.
We have been working hard for the past two years to make EUROMAT 2013 as successful as previous editions. Now the Conference date is approaching and the result of this work will be evaluated. Our prize is that you enjoy the Conference.
Of course many people have been involved, Scientific and Managing Committees have a greater visibility, however Topic Coordinators and Symposium Organizers should be acknowledged. Without their work, Conference would not be possible.
Finally, all the work done would not have any sense without you, the delegates coming to Sevilla.
To all of you our most sincere gratitude. 
We look forward to meeting you in Sevilla”

On behalf of the Managing and Scientific Committees
Paloma Fernández and Frank Mücklich




